Greetings and Welcome to Montana Enterprise Linux! What is Montana Enterprise Linux? It is a remix of Scientific Linux 6 that differs from the stock SL5 LiveDVD media in the following ways: 1) It includes all of the SL6 updates available at the time of the build 2) I've removed most of the development tools and server stuff to make this more of a desktop oriented package set... slimming it down from the original 2.2GB to ~2.0GB so will fit on a 2GB USB thumbdrive 3) I've changed some of the branding elements as I don't want SL to have to take blame for my remix :) I have not altered any of the stock SL6 packages other than the SYSLINUX/ISOLINUX splash screen and the GRUB splash screen, added to the /etc/motd file and added these release notes to the / directory. If interested in the build process I used for this LiveDVD, check the /root/livecd-creator/MontanaEnterpriseLinux directory and the files it contains. Enjoy, -- Scott Dowdle 714 Church Street Belgrade, MT 59714 (406)388-0827 [home] (405)994-3931 [work]